Tuesday, February 14, 2017

 What you are about to hear is the year that started it all , how my best friend backstabbed me, stole my boyfriend  and ruined all chances of me getting my crown. But first I'll start from the beginning …            
It was the beginning of the year, and already I could tell that me and Chloe would be friends for life, we were like sisters.  Without her my freshmen year would have been such a bum. Everything was  great, Chloe and I went to parties , Met cute boys and had fun with the girls, and that's where Matt comes in.  Matt  and I meet at a sophomore party. We hit it off really well and from then on we started dating,  It was the best year yet I had the best friends anyone could ask for and a great boyfriend. As you all know I was one of the most popular girls in school, you know what that means. I had to win homecoming queen and Matt had to win homecoming king , that's  all I have ever wanted.  This year i was going to make it happen, all I  needed was a little help from my friends.
              My plan was to join as many clubs as I could so show that them that everyone likes me and push Matt to get captain spot on the varsity football team so we would make the perfect couple that's fit for homecoming king and queen. That was until my best friend Chloe had to ruin everything , wait ex, best friend. I had the plan in the bag I already joined every club and my babe Matt got the captain spot on the varsity football team. I had to keep it together though  it was already the middle of the year, and with two months until homecoming i was in it to win it  and nothing could get in  my way. I put on a face and told chloe to just back off matt until homecoming was over I  just knew my best friend too well. And now for the start of her ruining my chances of getting my crown. That hussy was  after my boyfriend, And  she made my life miserable All i wanted this year was to have a great freshman  year with no drama like last year...
        Today I  talk about the harsh truth of backstabbing friends and a cheating boyfriend.  As you all know friends are the whole basis of high school , only the hottest of the hot make it to be homecoming queen or the most popular girl. I get what i want when I want it , and that  little liar was  getting in my way she  was  all over my boyfriend and ever since then it was war. I had to fight for my boyfriend and i was going to win at all cost I couldn't let her get in the way of this year , Matt and I were perfect for eachother and were  going to be homecoming king and queen.
              That was until things got real ugly  between Chloe and I, and Rozzy and Caroline didn't want to pick sides so I  was the one to suck up to them to try to get them to support me and not Chloes decision to steal Matt from me. That wasn't  the worst part, I was in the hallway one day and as I looked out the window to the green  field i saw them hugging. My heart stopped and I  just broke , I  ran down the high school stairs so fast I  almost broke my ankle. But , that's beside the point I  kept running and there she was in her ugly little crop top seducing my man. I walked straight up to her and slapped her right in the face , I  slappd her so hard her contact came out and shall I  say that it was funny to see but not to Matt apparently. Later that day he sat me down by the bleachers and told he it was time to move on that we had a great three  months but he was falling for another girl. The rest of the day I felt like a dead flower that lost its glow , like the light to my firefly was gone. Like I was in a deep dark place that was cold with no way of escaping...
        It's been a week since I lost my best friend  and the best thing that has ever happened to me. Only one month to go until  homecoming and I had gave up hope. I no longer wanted that crown I  just wanted things to go back the way they were, sadly I knew that was not going to be an option .  I was in class one day as I started staring  out the classroom window and I thought , maybe getting Matt back wasn't an option but showing him what he is missing and that I was definitely better than Chole. I thought to  myself you know what i'm and going to get that crown…
                 My name was officially on the ballot, I could barely breath just the thought of the announcing my name ‘ And Your Homecoming Queen Is Grace Rose ‘ . All I  had to do now was wait .  With only two weeks now until homecoming i focused on picking out a dress , it had to be the best i had to show Matt that don't need him, that  i'm happier without him. All I  needed now was to win that crown so he could see i'm better off without a cheater…
              Today was homecoming , I had the perfect dress and i just knew it was going to be a good night. After two hours of getting ready , I was anxious to see if I won. Asoon as I got there I saw my favorite two people together, I  just wanted to run back home but I knew I had to be strong. Later on Daniel an old friend of mine asked me to dance. Daniel  had always liked me so I said yes . For once I had  actually forgot about all the drama and crown. We danced all night laughing together, that was when i heard the host.  It was now time they were about to announce king and queen.  And ‘Your homecoming king is Daniel Ross’,’ and your homecoming queen is Grace Rose’!... I could not believe it  the universe really wanted to help me. Daniel and i kept dancing and talking together . As for Matt and Chloe the left and  I honestly don't  know where because I was actually being myself and didn't care what they thought or what they were doing . By now Matt knows I  can do much better than him , Chloe and I haven't spoken since then it's been 3 years  and now I am a senior. As i'm writing this I  look back and i realize Matt was not the one. And that's okay because without him I wouldn't have meant my one true love Daniel . Daniel and I have been dating  ever since and i Just can't believe time has flown by so fast. I can't wait to see what I can  get myself into next...goodbye freshmen year drama and Matt I  never got to tell you thank you , so Thank you for making me a better person !